Friday, June 3, 2011

New Music: Coldplay

Coldplay released a new song today and I'm sure that soccer moms everywhere just dropped their groceries.  I don't drive a mini-van, but I do like Coldplay.  I know it's probably not the coolest thing to admit, but their first record spent a lot of time in my cd player.  (Ya know, back when people still had cd's).  I'll even fess up to liking their subsequent records...and their live show.  I know, I know...not the coolest thing to reveal, but Chris Martin writes really good songs. 

That said, I'm not sure what to think of their new single, "Every Teardrop is a Waterfall."  The title is two parts TLC, one part Poison and all parts BAD.  The song itself isn't groundbreaking in terms of Coldplay jams, but the title. The freaking title.  I'm having a really hard time getting past it.  I'm sure that someday it will grow on me and I won't ever remember life before "Every Teardrop is a Waterfall."  Until then, the joke's on them.  Or, me.  But, probably all of us.  Thoughts? Comments? Concerns?

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