Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Dear Brah

My friend Lisa posted a link to the HeTexted site recently on Facebook and it stirred up quite a bit.  Is this something that women really need?  If I "Ask a Bro," am I really just "Asking a Douchebag"?  Am I just old and don't get that the younger set might want to display all their heartbreak publicly with no qualms?  Is it actually empowering?  If your friends are sick of hearing about this guy, is it smart to keep feeding the monkey?  If you're having trouble moving on, how healthy is it really to open the wound exponentially?

I know it's hard when you're in the middle of a heartbreak or in the thick of trying to DTR to see the bigger picture, but I have to state the obvious: if you're going on a website to ask if he's into you, HE'S PROBABLY NOT.  I know it sucks, but it's probably true. If a guy wants to call you, he will.  If he wants to spend time with you, he will.  He's not thinking about ANY of this as much as you are. And, maybe he is busy.  If he is, and he likes you, he will be in touch.

I get that the website is designed to help a sister out in her time of need.  I have had many of occasion to dissect a text or lack thereof from a boy, but I just don't see how taking a sidebar of that obsession to the internets would have helped any.  In fact, I think it would have made it worse.  To be able to obsess and dwell with an audience of millions would have exhasperated what was already a touchy situation.  At least if I only had my friends to annoy with my constant analysis, it would keep it all in check.  Most of the time, you're just looking for someone to say it's ok to call him or that he really does like you, he just couldn't find one minute in the previous two weeks to do anything about it. With an infinite audience, you can escape and focus on it all the time.  Not good.

Then there's the internet.  Do you really want the same trolls who comment on Yahoo articles to give you love advice.  Eww.  Or the douchey guys in those pictures?  No thank you.  I wish all the lovelorn women the best and hope that they are able to find the answers that they are looking for.  Go with your gut.  Do it right.  Think locally; ask a friend. 

He's either in or in the way. 

Friday, August 23, 2013

New Single: Yuck "Middle Sea"

I'm back, bitches!  And, I can't think of a better song to come out of hiatus to than the new one by Yuck, "Middle Sea." I wrote about this band last year when I fell in love with "Chew." It was a song that I loved but never bought because I couldn't find it anywhere. Damn, I suck at Google.

Cut to a year and change later, and Chew is back. Minus Daniel Blumberg, their lead singer, and now a threesome. So happy to hear that they didn't miss a beat, because "Middle Sea" is effing awesome!! It takes me back to my shoegazing days in the 90's and fills my heart with joy. I'm not sure I can stop listening to it, it's just that damn good. It's like Dinosaur Jr and Yo La Tengo had a British love child and named it Yuck. Hot damn!

Yuck's sophomore album Glow & Behold will be released on October 1st (Fat Possum/Pharmacy), and I can't wait!

Monday, July 1, 2013

New Single: White Lies

I'm a little more than obsessed with that throwback gothy sound. It reminds me of the days of yore and always makes me feel happy (which is probably the exact opposite of its intention).  White Lies is one of those bands that has that darkwave sound that I am speak of.  I first fell in love with them with "Death." I literally listened to it over and over again. So, it makes me super happy that they are back with a new song, "There Goes Our Love Again," and back to the sound of their debut record To Lose My Life. Some may argue that the video for "There Goes Our Love Again" is commercial and big budget, but it's just nice to see these guys back out there and making music that makes me want to pop it on repeat. Over and over and over...

White Lies new album Big TV is out August 12th and I CAN'T WAIT!

Friday, June 28, 2013

New Single: Bloc Party

The moment I heard "Get Lucky" by Daft Punk, I declared it the song of the summer.  Then I heard "Blurred Lines" by Robin Thicke and Pharrell had to also declare it the song of the summer.  While both of those songs are going to blaring at every summer bbq in 2013, eventually we will get sick of them and seek out respite.  This is where "Rachet" for Bloc Party fits in nicely.  It's an awesome song, but it's not going to be overplayed on the KIIS-FM's or the Power 106's, and it's definitely not on Pauly D's playlist.  It's a song that makes you dance, makes you happy and is perfect for celebrating the fact that you can wear flip flops without getting frostbite.

Summer songs are ones that soundtrack the fun-filled memories, while watching fireworks or making out with that random guy you met at the beach.  Which reminds me, I might need to head down to Hermosa tonight to see what's crackin'!

Look for Bloc Party's upcoming EP, The Nextwave Sessions, out on August 13, 2013.

Monday, June 3, 2013

New Single: Glass Candy

In trying to make sense of what happened last night on Game of Thrones, I am searching for something to make me feel like all is well in the world and that everything will be ok if Robb Stark does not exist.  I realize that it's a made up world, with characters who do not exist.  But, CRIKEY, what was that George RR Martin?!  My throat may as well have been slit as I saw it coming and couldn't stop it.  I suppose I could've read the books and had a heads up, but I don't think that the hole in my heart would be any less large.

That's where Glass Candy comes in with their fittingly titled "Warm in the Winter."  This song makes me happy.  It makes me want to dance.  It makes me want to twirl in circles.  It makes me want to love.  It makes me want to live.  It makes me want to forget that last night's episode ever existed. 

So, EFF YOU, Game of Thrones.  I will not let your Red Wedding of torturous endeavor get me down.  I'm going to continue on in my own happy land, and maybe go read a Sweet Valley High novel to soothe my soul.  Eat an Oreo.  Dip it in milk.  Chocolate milk.  And, then, and only then, will I make a note in my calendar to never EVER EVER accept a party invitation from a Frey.

Saturday, May 25, 2013


I was reading an article in Oprah about a woman who is 50 years old and had been depressed her whole life.  Like, since she was 5 years old, whole life.  The article was about a transformation.  A woman who changed what was on the outside to make herself feel good on the inside. I'd love to tell you that the story had a happy ending, but I couldn't finish it.  There were a few key elements of the story that really stuck me in the craw and I couldn't get past them.  It started when the woman dropped that she is married with kids.  I'm thinking ok, didn't see that one coming.  She's super depressed.  Way she told it, she was miserable.  Okay, fine. Not so miserable that she didn't get out of the house to land a man and have sex at least twice.  Good for her.  I kept reading.  Then, she tells the story about a disgusting puss filled cyst she acquired because she was so filthy that the dirt infected her body because she never showered. Like, ever.  That was it.  Now I'm PISSED.

Truth be told, it's not this woman.  It's the situation.  This woman is so foul and dirty that she had to go to a doctor to have a green boil removed from her body. 


She's married. 


Has kids. 


I shower. Every fricking day. I work out.  I'm fun.  I have friends.  I like good music.  I'm entertaining.  I'm responsible.  I'm nice.  I'm CLEAN.

And, I'M. STILL. SINGLE.  No kids.

I don't get it.  They say there's a pot for every lid. Someone for everyone.  Clearly, there is.  She found her lid. 

Where's mine?!!?!

Monday, April 8, 2013

New Single: Little Daylight

As the wind blows through Southern California sending palm fronds all over the streets and allergies into overdrive, I am finding solace in Little Daylight's new song "Name In Lights."  It's luscious, dreamy and synth-y...a must-have for Spring!  The hook, "You know you've got your name in lights" is infectious and I can't stop listening. Maybe you're from NYC and know Little Daylight from there, or you've heard one of their remixes for bands like Passion Pit, Temper Trap and Freelance Whales.  If so, consider yourself lucky...I'm new and can't wait for more.  Spring fling, let's do this!

Monday, March 11, 2013

New (to me) Single: SKATERS

SKATERS are the new hipster ish out of New York that the cool kids are all abuzz for this years SXSW.  I really dig them...they kind of remind me of The Drums, and really cool fun punk poppy rock.  They just released their video for "I Wanna Dance (But I don't know how)" and it's pretty cool.  I was expecting to see a barrage of horrible dancing, but instead was treated to some pretty sweet Kung Fu and a cute kid.  I'm always amazed when smaller bands have artsy expensive looking videos to go with their music.  It's pretty impressive.  Labels (and subsequently bands) don't have Hype Williams video budgets anymore, so I always appreciate when bands are able to put out something that looks like it does.  

If you happen to be wading through the flannel and feathers at SXSW this year, you can check them out at these parties:

Tue Mar 12:
8pm      Vice Party (Austin, TX) - 401 E Cesar Chavez

Wed Mar 13:                         
3PM     BlahBlahBlahBlahScience Party - Maggie Mae's - Indoor Stage - 323 E. 6th St
8pm     The Warner Sound at The Belmont - 305 W. 6th St

Thur Mar 14:                          
11pm    Paradigm Mohawk Party  - The Mohawk - 912 Red River St

Fri Mar 15:                     
5:45PM Nylon Party  - W Hotel Rooftop - 200 Lavaca St.

If not, SKATERS kick off their first headlining tour in April and will release their debut full-length on Warner Bros. Records this summer.  Learn to dance by then, ok?

Thursday, March 7, 2013

An Experiment in No Comprende - Pesadilla en el Parque de Attracciones

I've recently been listening to Spotify Radio while doing my daily computer errands and the Indie station keeps playing these lovely tracks that are in Spanish.  I don't understand anything they are saying, but I am quite taken by the music just the same.  I'm a sucker for great songs with good melody, that make me a little emo. 

"Pesadilla en el Parque de Attracciones" by Los Planetas is one of those songs.  I had heard it a few times and the song made me happy.  First, I'm thinking: oh what a great love song.  Then, it dawned on me that maybe it was a song about longing.  Is this a couple that's already together?  Are they separated by distance or time?  Did they break up?  Did he disappear for no reason and suddenly feels bad?  Are kids throughout Latin America and Spain are listening to this song and feeling the same way?  If only I knew what they were saying!

I'll start by saying that I have a very limited grasp of the Spanish language.  I often brag that I can read it, just not speak it and also that I KIND OF understand what people are saying when they speak it to me.  So, I thought it would be funny to do a compare and contrast with what I THINK the song is saying vs. what the song is ACTUALLY saying. 

My version:

OMG, you're so awesome and I love you
I want to be with you
I think of you all the time and want you with me
I'm so sorry for all the horrible things I said to you
Follow me into the sunset and we'll be happy
We can dance together in the moonlight
You're awesome
I'm awesome
Let's do this
Love ya, mean it
  (Rinse and repeat)

The real version in English:
"Know that I expected
This happened and nothing happens
That alone gives me reason and I've been learning
From time to time I have been with you
And I applied my enemies
Your dirty tactics of harassment and demolition
I've also got a good thing
From all this mess
And I want you to know
I hope you end up hanging from a pine
When you see how stupid you've been
When you see that you have done fatal
And I want you to know
That has been hell to be with you
Who the hell is the closest thing,
You look a bit like Satan

I want you to know that I have come
In your fucking scenes "Now I'm out"
Get out and that would be a really lucky
If not I see you in the coming years
For me that you could throw a pit
Who and what do I care
If I start thinking a moment I think I prefer
So you know that I hope you end up hitting you a shot
When you see how stupid you've been
When you see that you have done fatal
And I want you to know it's been a hell being with you
Let me just narrowly missed
But I'm hard to kill
And I want you to know it's been a hell being with you
Who the hell is not so much punishment
You look pretty to Satan"

HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM...kinda not the same thing...

It made me think how you attach your own emotions to a song, whether you know what the song says or not.  And, also that it's possible to have the same song mean something to you whether it means something positive or negative, and still for the same reason.  It's a little bit of circular logic, but that's been my life lately.

The best part?  I love the song even more and its inspired me to seek out other Indie en Espanol artists.  Me gusta!!

To be continuado...

Friday, March 1, 2013

I Fell, So What?!

When was the last time you fell on your ass?  Sober?  Mine was today.  It was a little shocking.  I was out for a run and had stopped to switch songs and put on my new favorite "If So" by Atlas Genius when I tripped over an uneven sidewalk and face-planted.  "You shouldn't be texting and walking," my sister said to me.  Well, I wasn't.  And, it's still not cool.  The Student Driver who passed by as it happened slowed down, made sure I got up and then went on her way, but it was still a little embarrassing.  I haven't busted my ass in a long time.  It's a little jarring.  My knuckles are all scraped up (saved the iPhone) and my left knee has a scrape about the size of a half dollar (that's bigger than a quarter to all you younguns).  But, most of all, my ego is bruised.  It's been a rough couple of weeks and this just kind of cements (pun intended) what a shit time it's been. 

BUUUUUUT, I'm not going to let it get me down.  To write this, I needed an appropriate song as the soundtrack.  I looked on Spotify for "The Fall," "Fell" and then "Falling Down" by Muse popped up, from their BEST ALBUM EVER Showbiz...which made me put it on and reminded me how obsessed I used to be with this record and how fucking amazing it is.  I know that Muse are superstars now, marrying actresses and selling out arenas, but back in 1999-2000 when this record was new, no one gave a shit.  Except for me.  I cared.  I loved.  So, that was a nice flashback.  I am now listening to Showbiz and reveling in its greatness, like catching up with an old friend. 

So, I guess that falling wasn't so bad after all.  It was an annoying bookend to a really crappy few weeks, but I guess it reminded me to get back up.  Which I did.  After I fell, I dusted myself off and ran the rest of the way back.  And, it inspired me to write something.  And, now I have some cool battle wounds.  But, most of all, it made me realize that even after being dumped once again, I will get back up and get back out there and all will be okay.  A little hydrogen peroxide, Neosporin and some Malbec and I'll be back on track in no time.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

New Single: Jim James

I feel as though I’ve lamented about my love of Jim James from My Morning Jacket before.  He will forever hold a special place in my heart since he wore the moon boots with skulls on them at Coachella a few years back.  Above that, I am also a huge fan of his music which means that I am beyond excited that he has a solo record coming out on February 5th through ATO Records.  The two songs I’ve heard from Regions of Light and Sound of God lead me to believe that this is going to be one helluva a baby makin’ record.  “A New Life” was released today and is streaming on  I think I’ve listened to it about twenty times already this morning, and I have to say that it’s one of the most romantic songs I’ve heard in a long time.  It’s starts out slow and parlays into a catchy ditty that almost sounds like a Johnny Cash song and then ends with a 60’s doo-wop, surf-rock, Beach Boys vibe.  But, the words.  Oh, the words.  Here’s a preview:

Hey, open the door
I want a new life
Hey, and here’s what’s more
I want a new life
A new life

Babe, let’s get one thing clear
There’s much more stardust
When you’re near
I think, I’m really being sincere
I want a new life mmmm
A new life
With you

Hey, open the door
I want a new life
Hey, and here’s what’s more
I want a new life
A new life

Babe, let’s get one thing clear
There’s much more stardust
When you’re near
I think, I’m really being sincere
I want a new life mmmm
A new life
With you

Can’t you see
A perfect picture of you and me
But you know
It won’t come easy
And what’s more
It’s worth working for
Babe, open the door
It starts your new life
Babe, open your door
It starts your new life
Once more

COME ON.  I can’t even.  It’s just so good…it makes me want to get married just so I can play it at my wedding.  And, that’s the ONLY reason I want to get married.  Yeah right.

The first single is “Know Till Now” and it’s also pretty awesome.  We’re talking 70’s AM radio meets Afghan Whigs sexy meets late night downtown.  I’m VERY MUCH picking up what Jim James is putting down.  Let’s do this.

Download it now.  And then go find someone to get busy with on February 5th. 








Tuesday, January 8, 2013

What the F&^K!?!? Today in Ridiculous

My new year’s resolution was to pick up the ol blog again and give it a whirl.  So, here I am.  In 2013.  Rocking the blog like it’s my job.  Oh wait.

Before I blather on about all of the music that I am obsessed with that is all old news to you now, I thought I’d make a list of the three most ridiculous things I read this morning.

1. Al Roker
I realize that it’s only the second week in 2013, but the news that he crapped his pants at the White House might go down as the most disgusting news of the year.  I can’t even.  WHY, AL? WHY?  Why would you even dare tell anyone that this happened?  Do we need to know this? No.  Is my life better for knowing this? No.  Will I ever be able to look at you without throwing up in my mouth a little?  No.  You have children, forchrissakes.  Have some dignity.

2. Bethenny Frankel.

This one.  She already is on my list of people who bug the complete crap out of me (not in an Al Roker way, obvs), and I can barely stomach her show, but she’s famous.  No matter how hard I try, I can’t avoid her altogether.  Apparently, she raked in $12 million last year and she’s asking for spousal support from her future ex-husband.  I am assuming that this is just a game that her lawyers are playing to try to get her sole custody of her kid, but it’s still ridiculous.  She’s ridiculous.  Her giant jowls?  Also ridiculous.

3. Taylor Swift
Dear Taylor Swift,

Girl, what’s going on?  Why can’t you just make it work?  You’re famous.  You’re pretty.  You’re skinny.  You're talented, rich.  You’ve got a fuckofalotmore going for you than I did at you’re age.  So, what is going on?  Let's get real.  I’m getting the feeling that you do a lot of drive bys.  You find it hard to control yourself from making a lot of hang up calls from a private number just to hear his voice. You obsessively check his Facebook page, while constantly hitting refresh on his Twitter.  Admit it, you're a little pissed that the google alert you set up only comes out once a day.  I’m going to give you a piece of advice from one (former) kookoobananas to another.  Pick up a copy of “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days” and have a little come to Jesus about what you may or may not be doing wrong in relationships.  Your “relation-intuition” is a little off.  It's time for a reset of sorts. Take some time off, grab “How to Get Over a Guy in10 Days” and write a really great song that you want to be in the movie for free because this advice helped you so much.

I feel you, girl.
