Friday, March 1, 2013

I Fell, So What?!

When was the last time you fell on your ass?  Sober?  Mine was today.  It was a little shocking.  I was out for a run and had stopped to switch songs and put on my new favorite "If So" by Atlas Genius when I tripped over an uneven sidewalk and face-planted.  "You shouldn't be texting and walking," my sister said to me.  Well, I wasn't.  And, it's still not cool.  The Student Driver who passed by as it happened slowed down, made sure I got up and then went on her way, but it was still a little embarrassing.  I haven't busted my ass in a long time.  It's a little jarring.  My knuckles are all scraped up (saved the iPhone) and my left knee has a scrape about the size of a half dollar (that's bigger than a quarter to all you younguns).  But, most of all, my ego is bruised.  It's been a rough couple of weeks and this just kind of cements (pun intended) what a shit time it's been. 

BUUUUUUT, I'm not going to let it get me down.  To write this, I needed an appropriate song as the soundtrack.  I looked on Spotify for "The Fall," "Fell" and then "Falling Down" by Muse popped up, from their BEST ALBUM EVER Showbiz...which made me put it on and reminded me how obsessed I used to be with this record and how fucking amazing it is.  I know that Muse are superstars now, marrying actresses and selling out arenas, but back in 1999-2000 when this record was new, no one gave a shit.  Except for me.  I cared.  I loved.  So, that was a nice flashback.  I am now listening to Showbiz and reveling in its greatness, like catching up with an old friend. 

So, I guess that falling wasn't so bad after all.  It was an annoying bookend to a really crappy few weeks, but I guess it reminded me to get back up.  Which I did.  After I fell, I dusted myself off and ran the rest of the way back.  And, it inspired me to write something.  And, now I have some cool battle wounds.  But, most of all, it made me realize that even after being dumped once again, I will get back up and get back out there and all will be okay.  A little hydrogen peroxide, Neosporin and some Malbec and I'll be back on track in no time.

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