Monday, April 9, 2012

Keeping My Ear On: Rumspringa

I happened to catch Rumspringa playing at the Bootleg Theater in LA last Monday night and thought they were awesome!  And then I got home and realized that I had been staring at their first full-length cd, Sway, in a stack next to my desk for a couple of years.  Granted, it was labeled with a sticky note that said "Good," but I was a little pissed at myself for not picking it up and giving it a second whirl.  Now that I have, I am a little obsessed with Rumspringa and their crushing guitar ridden hooks with a dark poppy veneer.  They announced at the show that they'll be posting new tracks soon on their website and I can't wait to hear more.  If you're out in the desert and can't make it to Coachella, you can catch Rumspringa at the Desert Daze Festival on Sunday, April 15th.

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