Tuesday, May 31, 2011

New Music: Death Cab For Cutie

Even though Death Cab For Cutie came out way after I was in college, I feel like they have the potential to be one of those bands that you were OBSESSED with junior year, and then kind of fell out of touch with in your post-college life.  Ya know, since you’re so busy with your awesome job and all.  While we’re at it, maybe you settled down and had a kid or two.  Well, it’s time to pick up the phone and call your long lost friend.  Codes And Keys has just the right temperament to bring everyone back in the fold.  It’s an older, more mature record, but still has that feel of angst and romanticism that made you fall in love with Death Cab in the first place.  Ben Gibbard and the band are all grown up too!

Overall, I think the record is very sentimental.  One of my favorite songs on the record is “Some Boys.”  I’m not sure why, but I just picture looking out of a train window at the landscape passing by as a metaphor of my love life passing me by.  Then, there’s “Doors Unlocked and Open” and “You Are a Tourist.”  I know it’s kind of a cheat to say that the first single is one of your favorite songs on the record, but it’s a really good song.  I really like where they are going with this record.  It has this wintery vibe that is kind of dark, yet still poppy.  “Unobstructed View” and “Monday Morning” are both really sweet and romantic songs.  “St. Peter’s Cathedral” really made me emo.  Repeating the line, “There’s nothing past this” with gothic churchy imagery?  Done.

I have to say that I’m back in.  After once voting Death Cab For Cutie “Most Boring Live Band” and putting them away in a little closet for a bit, I’m glad to have them and their dreamy indie rock melodies back in my life.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Band Crush Alert: The Vaccines

After hearing "If You Wanna" by The Vaccines, I was immediately smitten.  I love the poppiness, the catchiness and old school style of songwriting that is reminiscent of some 60's Wall-of-Sound bands.  I haven't heard the full record, but got a pretty good sample on their website, and all of the songs are these sharp, pop songs that are all cute and catchy.  Exactly what I'm looking for in a new favorite band.  In fact, they remind me of former band crushes, Cut Off Your Hands and Longwave (which only means that I have a "type").  Check out "All In White" and "Post Break-up Sex" for more reasons to love this band.

What Did You Expect From The Vaccines? is in stores on May 31st.  You'll know where to find me, I'll be on iTunes buying it!

Friday, May 20, 2011

New Favorite Song Alert: The Head and the Heart

I caught about three seconds of The Hand and the Heart performing “Lost In My Mind” on Jimmy Fallon the other night and immediately fell in love.  According to their bio, “The Head and the Heart write and play songs that speak to the newness of a fresh start, of the ghosts left behind, of moving forward, all brimming with a soulfulness and hope for a better life than the one we've all been sold.”  UM, YES PLEASE.

I quite fancy dual harmonies, which makes it no surprise that I love this song.  But, it is super-speaking to me today; even the title perfectly describes my mood.  The melody reminds me of something that would be in a John Hughes movie right when everything seemed lost, but is now found.  Am I super-emo-15 again?  I feel like I need to reflect, or give someone a hug when I hear this song.  Maybe I’ll do both.  I am 15 again.  The Hand and the Heart just signed to Sub-Pop, so expect to see more of them.  OMG! YAY! LYLAS!


New Music: TV on the Radio

I am absolutely OBSESSED with TV On The Radio’s newest release, Nine Types of Light. I would say that I am a fan of TVOTR, but not a huge fan. I like their albums as a whole, and in concept (I can be a sucker for out-there, ambient, thrashy beats). In fact, I listen to “Wolf Like Me” every day; it’s one of my favorite songs of all time. That said, Nine Types of Light has catapulted me from a casual fan to an uber-fan. But, my now refreshed love of TVOTR is not really for the same reasons that I used to love them. Where Return to Cookie Mountain and Dear Science were avant-garde and experimental, ethereal and ambient, Nine Types of Light is a soulful, pop record with love songs. Some songs are still reminiscent of the fuzzy-loopy beats, but they stay at a tangible pace, not diving as deep into the psychosis of sound. And there are a few songs where I get a real The The vibe, which pulls things together like a good rug.

As a whole, I love the entire record. It’s impossible to pick a favorite since my favorite songs change every time I listen. It’s got this great lounge-y feel-good vibe going on, but the best part is that it never gets old. It’s romantic (“You”); it’s fizzy (“All Falls Down”); it’s sweet (“Keep Your Heart”); it’s soulful (“Second Song”); and, it’s sexy (“Will Do”).

If the rapture comes this weekend, this is what I want blasting.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Rainy Days and Tuesdays

I was checking out Morning Becomes Eclectic on the way to the gym this morning and happened to catch the new song by Bon Iver (absolutely no relation to Bon Jovi).  It was quite hypnotic and exactly what I needed on this frigid rainy day.  It hooked me in a trance until a flying object came at me and hit my windshield, bringing me back to earth.  You can download “Calgary” here.

All this winter weather in May got me thinking of a rainy day playlist and what songs I’d listen to for the rest of the day.  I made a list in RankerSongs for a Rainy Day.
Or, just listen below:

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Friday, May 13, 2011

My friend, Gabe.

It takes a lot to render me speechless, but this week I heard some news that not only took my voice, but it broke my heart.  My friend, Gabriel Ben-Meir, was tragically taken from us way too soon.  It’s hard to even find the words to describe the pain that shivered through my body when I heard the news.  Devastating.  Heartbreaking.  Incomprehensible.  Senseless.  Gut-wrenching.  Crushing.

Gabe was the brother of my friend Lexi, but I had gotten to know him on his own, rather than just as Lexi’s brother.  We became friends by seeing each other at concerts, going on hikes and various get togethers.  He had a presence that made you want to hug him, though he never wanted you to.  And, he always made you smile, even if it was because of his ridiculous contention that he wasn’t working hard enough at the gym (he would spend two hours on the Precor, THEN do a Tae Bo class). 

Gabe was the sweetest guy.  He was a real gentleman and was always so thoughtful.  If you were sitting around and mentioned that you wanted a Clark bar, he would excuse himself and run to the store to get you one.  No questions asked.  He was a great cook.  My friend Carlyn would host Iron Chef dinner parties and you could always count on Gabe to bring something that you’d never think of and that was the best tasting thing on earth.  I can still taste his Chorizo, Spinach and Corn salad like it was yesterday.  I’d give you the recipe, but I think he just made it all up from scratch.

When I think of Gabe, I also think of all of the people who loved him.  His sister.  His parents.  His friends.  His co-workers.  Gabe touched the lives of a lot of people who will miss him dearly and whose lives are forever changed by this senseless act of violence.  This week has been spent thinking about him and how special he was, and praying for peace and love to those who cared for him most.

I can’t help but think of a line in a song by The Smiths - “There Is a Light That Never Goes Out.”  To everyone who knew him, Gabe is a light that will never go out.  We’ll miss you.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

New Music: The Airborne Toxic Event

You have to give it to The Airborne Toxic Event – they are REALLY GOOD at writing anthems.  I’ll never forget the first time I heard “Sometime Around Midnight.”  It was the Locals Only show on KROQ and I almost swerved off the road trying to call them to find out who had written that amazing Jeannie-Emo or Jemo(*) jam.   After that, it became my mission to see them live.  I probably saw them five times at small clubs before the record came out and they got big.  Cut to two or so years later, and I almost slam into a car, trying to figure out the source of “Half of Something Else,” which happens to be off their sophomore release All At Once.

Sometimes it’s hard for bands to nail it after a hit debut.  I loved that first record.  But, The Airborne Toxic Event doesn’t seem to have that problem.  The new songs are very similar in theme (love, heartbreak, yearning, remorse, death), but they’re way darker and the sound is a lot richer and louder this go-round.  There also seems to be a folksy, Pogues-ish influence on songs like “It Doesn’t Mean a Thing” and “The Kids Are Ready to Die,” which is also a little different.  I also love that he name checks The Cure’s Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me on “Strange Girl.”  Such a sweet and different song…I wish someone wrote that song for me!

There are still my favorite 'anthematics', like “All At Once,” “Numb” and “Half of Something Else,” which were also my favorites on the record.  I don’t know what it is, but there’s something in Mikel Jollett’s wail that just spreads through my veins and makes me all dark and melancholy.  "All At Once" makes me emo and “Numb” has a new wave influence that makes me think that one day I will be dancing to it by myself in my living room (after a few drinks, of course).

Overall, All At Once is a solid record.  I’m such a huge fan of their live show, I can’t wait to see them play this record live!  Right now, I'll have to take my solace in that they are streaming the entire record on their website.

(*)Jeannie-Emo/Jemo – there are certain songs that make me super emo by tugging at something inside of me, giving me chills and getting in my craw.  Some are obvious, like Stars “Your Ex-Lover is Dead,” but then there’s “Temptation” by New Order or “The Rat” by The Walkmen, which are not-so-obvious.  Definitely not some Dashboard Confessional bullshit.  See also: Funeral Songs