Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Way Back Wednesday: Men At Work via Lazlo Bane

I had just moved to Los Angeles and my friends who worked at Geffen Records invited me to see a band called Lazlo Bane at the Viper Room.  I hadn't heard of them before, but was always down to see new music.  They started in on a cover of Men At Work's "Overkill." Men At Work is a band I haven't thought much of since the 80's, other than anytime I had come across an Aussie and asked them if they'd like a bite of my vegemite sandwich (for the record, the answer was always no).  The song was going on, and it was a really good version of it.  I liked the smashing guitars and it didn't seem as "80's" as I remembered the original being.  When the song came to crescendo, Colin Hay suddenly pops up on stage and grabs a mike.  I had chills as he wailed "I can't get to sleeeeep..."  It was definitely NOT overkill.  In fact, it was pretty freaking awesome.  I literally had tears in my eyes, it was that awesome.  You can kind of get the vibe from the recorded version, but I have to say that I will never forget that moment.  It made me love a song that had previously been a throwaway from middle school and gave me a new found sense of appreciation for Colin Hay and his vocal talent. Lazlo Bane went on to sing the theme to Scrubs and I'm sure recording a bunch of other stuff. Colin Hay resurrected his career with a song on the Garden State Soundtrack, and recently resurrected Men At Work for a tour with Human League.

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