Thursday, August 16, 2012

Braziliantly Perfect Record: Built to Spill - Keep It Like A Secret

Built to Spill - Keep It Like A Secret

There is no way I could do a list of perfect records from start to finish without mentioning the Built to Spill masterpiece Keep It Like A Secret. This record is perfect to me. Every song is just as amazing as the previous. The guitarmanship, the lyrics, the Doug Martsch signature childlike vocals. It's like musical porn to me. Anytime I put this record on, I feel better for having heard it.  There isn't a time that it doesn't immediately put me in a better mood. This record brings me back to when I first started working at my old job. My work bff and I were both equally in love with it and tag teamed playing it on the community cd player in the office. I knew I loved this record, but it was completely sealed when I saw Built to spill play live.  One of my favorite bands ever to see play live.  SO GOOD.

Built to Spill is a band that is near perfect for me in general. They are one of a few bands that I can actually stand listening to them noodle on stage. The way Doug plays his guitar so nonchalantly, as though he has no care in the world. Does he need to look at the strings to see where he is? Nope. He's Doug Martsch. One of the best guitar players, if you ask me and also the creator of this amazing record that will never grow old, fade away or be dated.

Listen: "The Plan," "Carry the Zero," "Time Trap," "You Were Right" "Broken Chairs"

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