Thursday, January 26, 2012

An Open Letter to Bob Lefsetz: Alabama Shakes Edition

Dear Bob,

First of all, you're wrong about Alabama Shakes.

I saw them last night at the Troubadour for their (over)sold out show and it was fucking awesome.    Despite what you think, lead singer Brittany Howard is the real deal.  She's got all the passion and soul that comes across in the Alabama Shakes EP that you didn't get.  In fact, she's got enough for the both of you (and me too).  The EP is pretty great, but live?  It's amazing.  And, isn't that what it's about?  The music?  I feel like you always say that.  Maybe you forgot.

From what I gather in reading your letter dated December 26, 2011, you don't think that Alabama Shakes has put in the hard work, that they don't have what it takes.  You left the window open saying you hope that they will be a success, but you doubt that they possess that special something.  Which I'm sure is your defense to all of those who saw them last night and are saying right now that you're an idiot.  Sorry, but you are.

You didn't really give them a chance.  You assumed solely because people were actually excited about them that they must not be good.  You were wrong.  Maybe you were thinking of Lana del Rey.  It was weird how people so quickly took time from their post-Christmas hangover to pile on with you.  Your bashing of them stirred up a shit storm from bands who had "never heard of them" on the road and also from the music industry "elite" of Alabama who couldn't help but draw parallels between your "10,000 hours" letter and the sudden hype around this band.  When I read those responses I couldn't help but think that they were just jealous.  Jealous because people are connecting with Alabama Shakes and really like them.  And jealous because Brittany Howard is going to be a fucking star.  Or, maybe because she already is.  I guess that doesn't fit into your paradigm of how you think things should go.  Well, I guess that's just too bad.

So, Bob, you can go back to listening to your Eagles records.  Rhinofy some John Hiatt.  Maybe throw back a couple of Harvey Wallbangers with your buddy Irving Azoff.  I'll be here.  Checking YouTube to see if anyone else uploaded footage from the show, drinking bootleg Four Loko and anxiously awaiting April 10th when Alabama Shakes' debut record Boys Girls will be released.



And, here's a video from the Troubadour last night:

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