Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Way Back Wednesday: The Go-Go's

When I was growing up, I was OBSESSED with The Go-Go's.  From the first time I heard "Our Lips Are Sealed" and won the album from D-103 (the radio station), I was hooked.  I was so excited when, in seventh grade, my friend Sharla's mom hooked us up with a chaperone to go see the Go-Go's live in concert.  It was probably one of the most exciting things to happen to me.  I remember buying a concert t-shirt. It was jersey style and it went down to my ankles, it was so big (and I was so small).  Cut to:  1986.  That same shirt now fit perfectly (either it shrunk or I had a massive growth spurt) and Talk Show was out and it was the JAM.  I was turning sixteen and about to get my drivers license.  My friends threw me a surprise birthday party at our friend Kyan's house and we were all doing "air" performances of "Head Over Heels" in his living room.  We took turns at who would be Belinda, and swapped the instrumentals.  I think we fought over the who would do the keyboard on this song (better than air guitar on this one).  We probably had one Busch beer and were "wasted."  I mean, we were 16. 

Tonight, I'm going with my BFF Michele to see The Go-Go's at The Greek.  Not only was she at the 16th birthday party, but she organized it.  First of all, I think it's so awesome that twenty-five years later we are still friends and are going to see the Go-Go's, but I also can't wait to be transported back to the old days and hear all my old favorite songs (I can't remember shit anymore, but I still remember the all words to their songs).  I wish I could say that things were much simpler back then, but it was high school and, as I'm sure you can imagine, there was a lot of trivial drama.  At least now we're old enough to buy our own booze!

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