Tuesday, May 31, 2011

New Music: Death Cab For Cutie

Even though Death Cab For Cutie came out way after I was in college, I feel like they have the potential to be one of those bands that you were OBSESSED with junior year, and then kind of fell out of touch with in your post-college life.  Ya know, since you’re so busy with your awesome job and all.  While we’re at it, maybe you settled down and had a kid or two.  Well, it’s time to pick up the phone and call your long lost friend.  Codes And Keys has just the right temperament to bring everyone back in the fold.  It’s an older, more mature record, but still has that feel of angst and romanticism that made you fall in love with Death Cab in the first place.  Ben Gibbard and the band are all grown up too!

Overall, I think the record is very sentimental.  One of my favorite songs on the record is “Some Boys.”  I’m not sure why, but I just picture looking out of a train window at the landscape passing by as a metaphor of my love life passing me by.  Then, there’s “Doors Unlocked and Open” and “You Are a Tourist.”  I know it’s kind of a cheat to say that the first single is one of your favorite songs on the record, but it’s a really good song.  I really like where they are going with this record.  It has this wintery vibe that is kind of dark, yet still poppy.  “Unobstructed View” and “Monday Morning” are both really sweet and romantic songs.  “St. Peter’s Cathedral” really made me emo.  Repeating the line, “There’s nothing past this” with gothic churchy imagery?  Done.

I have to say that I’m back in.  After once voting Death Cab For Cutie “Most Boring Live Band” and putting them away in a little closet for a bit, I’m glad to have them and their dreamy indie rock melodies back in my life.

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